As you may have seen, this week is Exercise Right Week, and staying healthy in your workplace is
definitely something we can get behind. A big part of Exercise Right Week is finding a way to
exercise that suits you. So, given that we (like many of you) spend a little too much time behind a
desk, here are three tweaks you can make to your lifestyle to stay healthy despite an otherwise
sedentary lifestyle.
1) Walk more
It sounds simple but it does take some adjustments. Grab yourself a step counter like a Fitbit or
Garmin, and set yourself a daily step goal. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to this, but working
up to around 12,000 steps a day makes a huge difference. Now for most people, that sounds absurd.
Remember though, this is about tweaking; so, tweak. If you drive, park 20 minutes away from the
office instead of around the corner. If you catch public transport, get off a stop or two earlier. Take a
walk on your lunch break. Walk to the shops after work instead of driving. You’ll be surprised how
quickly those steps rack up.
The advantage of walking is that: a) it’s low intensity, so it doesn’t hurt you, b) it can be easily
squeezed into your daily, and c) It’s surprisingly good for fitness and weight loss if you’re doing
12,000 steps a day.
If 12,000 steps don’t sound like it’ll work for you then…
There are no two ways about it; sitting all day is pretty much terrible for you. If that sounds like your
lifestyle, then here’s the tweak for this: Set an hourly alarm and once an hour, get up and do a
couple of quick circles of the office. The Baker IDI Rise and Recharge app is awesome for this. In fact,
if you want some of the science behind the ‘Move More’ concept, it’s recommended that you check
out their website: https://www.bakeridi.edu.au/riserecharge/
3) Just plain old stand
A few months ago, we released a blog on the benefits of standing desks. Now, though they do have
their detractors, there are some serious benefits to switching to a standing/sitting desk. Having done
this for a few months now, I can say from personal experience that it’s a great way to work. I rarely
get tired like I used to, I’m always conscious of my posture and it’s actually pretty great for getting
your steps up too. To read more on that, check out the standing desk blog where I also make fun of
my man bun (so you don’t have to).
Now of course these ‘tweaks’ aren’t the be-all and end all; not by a long shot, but you’ll be surprised at the difference it makes.
So, what are you going to do to make use of Exercise Right Week? Why don’t you head over to their website here: http://exerciseright.com.au/office-workers/ and grab some more pointers.
So, what are you going to do to make use of Exercise Right Week? Why don’t you head over to their
website here: http://exerciseright.com.au/office-workers/ and grab some more pointers?
Thanks for the read!
As always, stay safe out there.
By Christopher Notley-Smith at donesafe.com
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