Contractor Induction Checklist Template
How to Conduct a Contractor Induction Checklist?
Contractor OHS Induction checklists are used to evaluate whether a general induction was
performed, and all necessary information from the contractor, subcontractor, and/or supplier was
provided, before commencing work or upon entering a site.
The performance of a site induction with a checklist allows contractors/workers to know the risks
and limitations of an organization/workplace. In order to begin work, the inspection documentation
is to be produced. Names, number of participants, and insurance certification and registration, are
all included during the induction process. The confirmation of topics such as layout, hazards, and
emergency evacuation plans, are to be discussed with all participants to prevent incidents on-site
and to create a safe working environment for all.
What’s included in a Contractor Induction Checklist?
What needs to be covered in a Contractor Induction checklist?
Capturing data from contractors is vital for any business, along with being a legal requirement.
There’s no right or wrong way, however, to capturing this information across organizations.
Safety inductions are to be performed for contractors, subcontractors, and supplier projects. The use
of a general contractor induction template is to confirm the safe work methods, procedures, and
instructions were reviewed and actioned by the contractors.
To be committed to a safe working environment, the Contractor Induction Checklist needs to be
completed. The Contractor Induction Checklist template has been developed to outline the
requirements of contractors undertaking works (construction, maintenance, and so on) for or on
behalf of an organization.
As a prior condition to commencing any work, contractors are required to complete the Contractor
Induction checklist (following the steps below) to ensure an understanding of an organization’s WHS
management systems, and to provide specific rules for working on site.
By completing this induction, it is intended that everyone working within an organization will be able
to play their role in maintaining a safe workplace for all.
Any failure to follow these rules can result in:
- You or others around you being harmed or suffering injuries
- Immediate removal from the site or contractor list
- You and/or your company being fined and/or prosecuted by WorkCover.
This commitment extends to all contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers of services to all organizations and properties.
What is a Contractor Induction?
Contractor Induction – A contractor induction is the collection of required information from your
contractors to ensure compliance for working on a site/project, presenting safety, site-specific, and
workplace introduction information to them, assessing competency and getting acknowledgments
on important checklists, forms, policies and procedures, with an induction card issued at the end.
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