It’s April 2020, and Coronavirus is continuing to have a significant effect on business around the
world. Business models are being reworked, work cultures are adapting, remote or distant
engagements are becoming strategic.
Some organizations are adapting better than others. Among the difficult times, there are examples
of businesses that are not only adapting, but doing so in a way that is helping the world overcome
this unprecedented pandemic.
We want to bring you three examples of household brands that have used their technology, product,
infrastructure or offering to help and support communities through COVID-19.
McDonald’s – We’re lovin’ it
McDonald’s has leveraged their drive-through infrastructure to offer everyday essentials such as
bread and milk. This allows customers to pick up essentials quickly in a more convenient, fast, safe
and contact-free way.
McDonald’s is the world’s leading global foodservice retailer with over 37,000 locations in over 100
countries. More than 90% of McDonald’s restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by
independent local businessmen and women. McDonald’s and franchisees employ 1.9 million people
worldwide, what did they do in order to continue driving sales?
With the drive-thru infrastructure in place for most restaurants, Maccas have used this as an
opportunity to help communities get everyday essentials to reduce contact with others. Yes,
convenience here is key, but the initiative is also helping to drive down the risk of contracting
Coronavirus and to flatten the curve. The fewer people in contact right now, the better for everyone.
Proactiveness during these difficult and uncertain times helps creative thinkers remain innovative as
they reshape business offerings.
COVID-19 has had an impact on McDonald’s Australia:
- They now sell milk and muffins.
- Their quick and easy incident reporting platform continues to support employees, contractors, and customers if an incident is to happen.
- Only 20 stores have closed since COVID-19 began, McDonald’s owned and franchise stores total just over 1000+ in Australia.
These stores were mostly in food courts. - 85% of their business is from Drive Thru which continues to thrive.
And McDonald’s has stated that it will cover sick leave for any employees at corporate-owned locations who are asked to quarantine for two weeks.
We’re gonna have a Good Day!
Dyson – We never stand still or plan to either
In just 10 days, Dyson, a tech-savvy company, has placed the brand in a position to save lives. How?
After the UK expressed fears of a shortage, Dyson employees designed and created 15,000
ventilators to help save those patients fighting COVID-19.
In 2012, Dyson was a company with only 3,120 people. Today in 2020, they’re over 12,500. The
future is bright, and the next few years are set to be their busiest yet as they continue to innovate
and disrupt with new categories and new machines, and launch more demo stores all over the
world. They never have and never will stand still.
Domino’s Pizza – Have a pizza-this
Domino’s has been up-to-speed with technology for several years now. Even before Coronavirus,
Domino’s was known as the tech company that sells pizza. They did not rely on people coming into
their brick-and-mortar spaces – you could open an app on your phone, tap, track, and receive your
pizza at your door, fast.
The systems and processes in place ensure a huge volume of pizzas can be ordered, made, and
delivered to customers in record time. Domino’s became one of the first companies to introduce
zero-contact ordering and delivery. This pointed to the importance of being innovative when trying
to flatten the curve and reduce the spread of COVID-19 and set the bar for numerous companies to
follow suit.
Domino’s comments “All of our stores follow strict food safety and hygiene procedures, including
regular handwashing, sanitization, and the wearing of gloves when making pizzas. Our pizzas are
then cooked in an oven that exceeds 260 degrees Celsius and is not touched again by human hands.”
“If offering the option of a Zero Contact Delivery gives our team members and customers peace of
mind, then it’s a step we’re willing to take.”
This approach has continued to drive business, increasing the demand for Domino’s delicious goods,
and the pizza chain is looking to hire 10,000 employees across the U.S, and similarly across other
countries. In addition to planning to hire workers, the pizza chain has also made procedural changes.
While stores remain open for order pickup for customers who still want that, all stores can now
provide contactless delivery.
What’s Donesafe doing to support organizations?
Donesafe is committed to making safer and more fulfilling workplaces for everyone. To uphold this
mission, we are offering a range of resources to help organizations around the world manage this
unprecedented pandemic. We have compiled in-depth resources and created a range of online apps
designed specifically to help support prevention efforts and raise awareness throughout your
Free Resources can be found here.
Our 2 NEW apps have been designed to help maintain the safety of employees during Coronavirus.
Now facing a global COVID-19 pandemic, employers are shifting positions rapidly as they respond to
the movement towards the ‘home office’, and to infection preventive efforts. While working
remotely does reduce the risk of infection, it brings with it a long list of new workplace health and
safety risks. This fast and unexpected shift has painfully exposed technology and systems gaps.
Our new Infectious Disease and Work from Home apps, instantly fill two of these gaps. They’re
designed to effectively track, monitor and mitigate COVID-19 transmission throughout your
organization, and manage your team whilst they are working from home. Our apps are quick to set
up and easy to use and deliver you a suite of management tools to monitor and manage Coronavirus
in your organization.
Need a boost of positivity?
April Fool’s Day was cancelled this year. Why’s that? Well, we’ve had our fair share of jokes this year
already – 2020, you’ve been interesting so far. Check out our work-from-home fails as we rule out an
old tradition within the Donesafe community – No pranks here, just good times.
If you wish to receive more good news, check out our Twitter page here. We have been posting 1+
good news story daily around 3 pm to help boost that late afternoon slump.