Need to comply with the new PTASP rule?

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Need to comply with the new PTASP rule?

Public transit agencies, do you need to make a change?

The who, what, where, and when on the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP).

If your transit system qualifies for the Urbanized Area Formula Grants program funds, some changes
are coming into play. The new rule communicated by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
applies to your organization. Effective as of July 19, 2019, the FTA calls for certain public transit
agencies and all real transit operators to develop safety plans. The PTASP Final Rule is known as the
rule which requires a safety plan with the inclusion of processes, procedures, and performance
targets, within a safety management system (SMS).

Note – The FTA has extended the deadline to December 31, 2020—but agencies are still required to work toward compliance.

The PTASP rule DOES NOT apply to the following public transit agencies:

  • FTA Fund recipients that do not operate transit systems
  • Commuter rail service regulated by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
  • Passenger Ferry Service regulated by the U.S Coast Guard 

The FTA may defer applying this rule for operators that receive funds through the following programs: 

  • Formula Grants for Rural Areas program
  • Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Formula program

More information can be found here on our dedicated MTA safety management system solution page – click here.

If you’re unsure if your public transit agency must comply with the PTASP rule, contact the team here.

How is Donesafe helping organizations comply with the PTASP rule?

Work with a team of safety and compliance software experts.

Our dedicated safety and compliance experts within the transport industry understand the commitment to this safety plan known as the PTASP rule and can help implement a vehicle inspection solution that fits your particular public transit fleet. 

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