Hi everyone,
For all of us, the way we work and live has changed dramatically in recent weeks, and Donesafe has moved quickly to innovate and adapt.
I wanted to reach out and communicate how we’re adjusting to the changes brought about by
COVID-19, and to address common questions we’ve received from you, our community, over the last
four to six weeks.
More below…
Can Donesafe survive and succeed during this time?
Yes. Going into this period, Donesafe was in an extremely good position. We have an very lean and
efficient team and large multi-year contracts from organizations that need us now more than ever.
Beyond our books, we are seeing a surge in demand for Work from Home (WFH) and Infectious
Disease Management solutions. As organizations scramble to rapidly adapt to changing working
conditions that now rely on digitization, technology gaps have been exposed, and that is causing
health and safety risks to spike. We are proud to be able to help.
We are committed to being there for everyone who relies on us. We are up and running working
from home and ready to fully support you and your teams in your endeavors. Don’t just take it from
me, see the below response from our valued client, McDonald’s.
Donesafe today is in a great position to continue to grow while making a positive impact on teams
and companies around the world.
How have we adapted to working from home?
Remote work at Donesafe has been gaining momentum for years now, but under very different
conditions, not under a crisis like this. While already operationally a virtual company, we have had to
recalibrate our minds in terms of why we’re doing remote work now.
What do we continue to do as normal?
When it comes to working productively from remote settings, it is business as usual at Donesafe. We
already have a culture and communication structure that favors remote work. It is a beautiful mix of
face-to-face meeting capability, along with the asynchronous collaborative tools where work can be
completed by teams when they are not talking in real-time with others. For example, Donesafe uses
Google docs and Slack. When I am participating in a business activity with my team, I can work in a
Google doc and explain what I’ve done, and then members of my team can wake up in a different
time zone or city, open the doc, and see what I’ve done. We are on the same page (literally and
metaphorically), and there’s less chance of losing communication.
What have we adjusted?
Now operating as a 100% remote company, management has had to establish organizational
processes that encourage virtual socializing and culture so no one feels isolated and falls through the
cracks. That’s really important right now, especially with all the anxiety around us causing emotional
At Donesafe, we’ve introduced some well-received virtual socializing initiatives that are maintaining
our working culture, a culture that attracts top talent to our business. These include:
- 2 ‘Donefit’ fitness sessions a week run by our sales executive and hobbyist PT, Jason Goh
- Weekly ‘pub’ lunch – each week with a new theme.
- Weekly happy hour with virtual games, including zoom charades and trivia.
- Encouraging employees to develop a personal regime: Exercise at home, meditate and make sure you reach out and talk to people, even if that socialization takes place virtually, just to make sure employees are happy, mentally relaxed, and productive to the extent that we can.
- New slack channels, including ‘announcements’ designed to highlight company news and updates across all teams and ‘rando’ (random) where employees are encouraged to share light-hearted news and updates not directly related to the business. This has been hugely effective at keeping our digital teams interacting with one another.
Product Roadmap: Releases over the last two weeks support clients and the community
Leveraging customer intelligence, we moved quickly to develop software applications adapted for the workforce management challenges presented by Coronavirus: tracking and reporting on the spread of cases within an organization (Infectious Disease Management App), and handling employee mass migration to home offices (Work From Home App).
We configured, tested, and launched the apps in seven days, working around the clock and away
from the office.
We did this to support our clients and the community, offering the Infectious Disease App free of
charge to all existing and new clients.
Our efforts to support the business community
Donesafe’s purpose is to help create safe and fulfilling workplaces for everyone. While everyone
can’t work with us, that doesn’t mean we can’t still assist.
Stay safe everyone!