Are you bogged down with paperwork while trying to manage your WHS compliance? Well, here is
the journey of a company that replaced a paper-based system and moved to a software-based
It’s not at all uncommon for business owners or managers to feel that WHS compliance
management, with its massive and seemingly unnecessary financial and time drain, has become a
major part of their week. If you find yourself relating to this , then there’s a very good chance that
the reason can be traced back to the fact that you still manage WHS compliance on paper.
But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Plenty of companies still use paper systems to oversee their WHS
compliance management. For some, it’s an out-of-control mess. Others will argue that it works
perfectly fine and ‘if it ain’t broke, why fix it?’ But as Mountford Plumbing Services (our case study
subject for today) discovered — technology will solve the unnecessary financial and time burden.
Here’s the alternative to paper management:
A worker notices a cracked window. They pull out their phone, snap a photo, type a note, and click
Send. Boom, they get back to work within a minute. Their notification then pops up on the WHS
manager or business owner’s phone, who then taps a few buttons, and the job gets forwarded to
the appropriate person to resolve it. At every chain along the workflow, records are automatically
taken and related without anyone having to spend more than a minute of their day dealing with it.
That’s the alternative to a paper-based system.
A paperless software solution like this was a proverbial oasis in a desert for Mountford Plumbing
Services. As a commercial industrial maintenance business, they do a lot of work with local
government and industrial businesses. In their own words: “WHS had to be first, with everything else
after that.”
As many businesses would agree, WHS compliance management is complicated. It’s no wonder that
Mountford Plumbing Services were getting bogged down with just trying to meet basic compliance.
“At one stage, all we were doing was paperwork … It was just so cumbersome.”
So rather than continuing down the manual paper-based option, Mountford Plumbing Services did
something about it. And the solution is Donesafe, an end-to-end OHS safety software sometimes
known as ‘The People’s Safety Software’.
Since adopting Donesafe software, Mountford Plumbing Services has been able to systemize and
automate large amounts of their WHS management process.
“We’ve phased all paper out, bar one A4 piece of paper. It’s so much easier. We don’t have to carry
physical manuals, our code of practice or safe work method statements with us anymore. We used
to have big plastic crates with all of our materials in them in every van. It’s so much easier to have all
of the information at our fingertips.”
Mountford Plumbing Services are now looking towards the future by developing the QA and
environment aspects of their business in Donesafe in order to get accredited and gain some
profitable government work.
How can you make your business WHS compliance paperless?
There are a whole range of vendors that offer cloud-based health and safety management systems,
yet Donesafe is rapidly becoming the solution of choice.
And here’s why: Donesafe was founded by two business owners who were trying to find a solution
to the paperwork problem, and simply couldn’t find one that was adaptable and easy to use. So,
they decided to build their own. Essentially, Donesafe was born from the very problem Mountford
Plumbing Services had, the problem you are likely trying to solve right now.
Donesafe is an end-to-end OHS safety software. It’s cloud-based, jargon-free, and designed to work
seamlessly on any device with a browser.